Background image website Ryf AG
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Device 1
Device 2
Device 3
Device 4
Device 5
Device 6
Device 7
Device 8

Fill out enquiry

Welcome to our ticketing system. In order to process your enquiries and problems as quickly as possible, please complete the following form carefully. Here are some notes on the individual form fields:

  1. Company: Enter the name of your company here to ensure that we can allocate your enquiry correctly.

  2. First name and surname: Please enter your full first name and surname so that we can address you personally.

  3. Address, ZIP and city: Please provide us with your full address, including postcode and city. This helps us to process returns or other logistical enquiries.

  4. E-mail and telephone: Enter your current e-mail address and telephone number so that we can contact you quickly and directly.

  5. Device type: Specify the type of device affected to enable a targeted analysis and solution to your problem..

  6. Delivery note/invoice number: Please enter the relevant numbers to ensure clear identification of your order.

  7. Problem description: Describe your request or problem in as much detail as possible. The more information you provide, the more efficiently we can help you.

We appreciate your co-operation and would like to point out that the successful processing of your request depends on the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation with the corresponding ticket number. If you have any queries or require further information, please always use this number in the subject line.